Monthly: August 2019


Kids in Sports

Kamata Music and Media School has a program that allows Kids to get trained into Sportsmanship. This is of course the best sports program for kids in Nairobi and most definitely the whole of Kenya. Team sports offer something beyond physical benefits for children who engage in it. It additionally helps them mentally and emotionally. Furthermore, there are additionally social parts of group activities that kids will appreciate. Sports can help build confidence and boost self-esteem in children; a high five, a thumbs up or even a pat on the back can help build confidence in them. These signals are often seen in teammates but mostly from coaches when recognizing good performance. The more kids gain knowledge about themselves and their capabilities the higher their confidence grows.

Exercise sounds a lot like work, so if you tell a child to exercise they may put up a fight but tell them to go out and play with his/her friends and you won’t get any arguments. Kids mostly don’t realize that they are building stamina and endurance, maintaining a healthy body weight which will help them ward off diseases associated with obesity thanks to all the physical activities.


While playing sports youth athletes gain the skill of working well with each other, something they will carry with them their entire lives. This skill will benefit them when they get older because they’ll have learned how to work well with others.


If your child has started developing some bad behavior and your having some trouble initialing discipline in him/her then enrolling them in sports is a good idea. Every sport has a set of rules and accepting judgments based on the rules is a big part of good sportsmanship. This is an important skill that kids take from the pitch or court is respect. They have to respect and listen to the coaches and referees who in most cases are older and also respect the players who are their peers.

We always expect kids to learn how to control their emotions as they grow up especially the negative ones. Most of the time in sports emotions run high and learning how to relay them may be a challenge for children. One of the greatest pieces of knowledge a coach will instill in your child is ow to turn away from negative emotional pressure because it hurts performance; this will equip your child better to tackle a huge scope of challenges in his/her future life.

Through sports kids learn about time management and discipline, kids normally support each other keep track of schedules on and off the field especially in sports and academics.


Live Music at a Glance

Kamata Music and Media School has an events department that plans and hosts events in Nairobi. This magnificent institution being the best Music and Media School in Kenya takes has a live band that entertains the audience. This is because during occasions and special events, music is something that keeps things lively. If you are looking to create a whole new experience for your guests, you ought to consider hiring a live band to play live music. This will give your occasion or event a feeling of elegance and class if you are looking for such standards.

Live music has some specific benefits. It creates a good vibe and puts people at ease. Live music  adds a visual effect that essentially can’t be duplicated by recorded music. It establishes a mood that gets your visitors moving and makes the party one to remember. There is a vitality, an energy, a freshness, and a connection with your visitors created through a live musical group. The keys to an extraordinary occasion are the sights and sounds produced as the festival unfolds. A live band is animating; it is visual, unique, dynamic, ready to produce vitality that the crowd can feel, and made out of a gathering of “genuine” performers that your guests can celebrate with.


Stress reduction is one of the greatest and most outstanding advantages of going to a live music show. It provides a little bit more of something we could all do with a great deal. According to scientists live musical performances reduces the release of a stress hormone known as cortisol.


A live music concert with the lights, the energy, the sound of the live musical instruments the people and the atmosphere is a great way to boost your happiness and put a smile on your face.

If you’ve ever been to a concert, you’ll know the sense of togetherness you get from the rest of the crowd. Every one is there for the same reason, and there is a sense of community when the crowd erupts for the artist or a favourite song, it’s hard to get this anywhere else. 


A study carried out by Deakin University in Australia back in June 2016 found that individuals who went to music shows regularly have an improved sense of mental prosperity and are more joyful in their everyday lives than individuals who don’t attend them frequently.  A band will always ensure they give their best when performing because it is also one way of marketing themselves. For this reason, they will ensure they give a fun and entertaining show which will ensure your guests are not bored.

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