Yearly: 2022

Interview Tips. What Makes A Good Journalistic Interview?

Interview Tips. What Makes A Good Journalistic Interview?

An interview is a process of obtaining information from the person you are interviewing. A journalist needs to conduct an interview, especially when looking for content to write about. The person being interviewed is known as the source.

What is a source?

In journalism, a publication, a document or a person that gives you information is known as the source. Obtaining information from a person is more delicate than reading a book or document. As a result, the interviewer has to build trust with the interviewee to get effective results. Furthermore, journalists expand their network and contacts to get more stories.

Getting information from a person needs good interview skills. Let us look at some of the tips.

1. Prepare for the interview

A journalistic interview is different from a job interview. Look for a place where both you and the interviewee are comfortable. Choose a place where your interview won’t be interrupted or interfered with.

Also, confirm if your recording equipment is working. Make sure you test your mics and cameras before the interview. Always record your interviews. Why? To make you focus on the discussion and also for future reference. Ask for permission before you record.

2. Do more research before the interview

Before the interview, read as much as possible about the source. This will help you get the right question to ask the interviewee. You can also use your knowledge of your subject to build rapport. They will appreciate your showing interest in them.

3. Have a list of questions to ask

Always have a list of questions that you want to ask your subject. You can put them in the order you will ask. Start with soft questions to break the tension and build the conversation. Moreover, asking open-ended questions makes the conversation go. Yes or no answer questions will make the interview boring and end faster. Remember, you are the one controlling the interview, don’t make the discussion casual.

4. Appreciate people in the interview

Make people feel appreciated in the interview, and listen to how they express their ideas. You do not have to support their knowledge. It is all about listening to how they articulate their points.

5. Take charge of the conversation

In the process of the interview, the subject might be fired up and seem to be out of control. Maybe the information is not clear. As an interviewer, ask the interviewee to slow down and repeat the statement. Also, constantly use the word wait if the subject goes off the topic. Additionally, make the interviewee stop and make him explain something that you do not understand.

6. Take a break

It is essential to make your interviews short. However, if the discussion is long, ask for a short break to break the ice. Going through an interview can be an exhausting process. Do not conduct an interview when you are tired. It will be hard to concentrate. So, whenever you find yourself yawning during the interview, take a short break.

7. Create controversy towards the end

If a subject you cover refuses to answer questions, becomes hostile, or storms off, ask a follow-up question. Furthermore, you could frame your question in many ways, such as: “Pablo said you are overreacting. How would you respond to that?”

8. Always Say Thank You

End interviews by asking the interviewee to add any final thoughts or comments. Also, once you have checked the basic information of your interviewee, ask how they would like to be referred to in the article. Remember to say thank you!


A journalistic interview is an opportunity to learn about a person, their background, and other essential facts. Do this by asking questions and learning new things about the person. Join Kamata Entertainment School, learn TV and Film Production and be the best at conducting interviews.

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Songwriting Tips: A Beginner’s Guide To Songwriting

Songwriting Tips; A Beginner’s Guide To Songwriting



Has songwriting been a challenge to you? You might be wondering where to begin. Here are some songwriting tips that will help you start your songwriting journey.

Let’s get into them.

1. Find Your Inspiration For Songwriting

Ideas can come at any time when you set your surroundings for songwriting. Have a pen or a notebook always; an idea might come up, and you would want to write them. It doesn’t have to be a paragraph. A one-word title is worth writing down.

Recording your idea using a phone or any other recording device is also essential. You can create a melody by either singing or humming. You can also say your lyrical ideas and save them for later.

2. Determine Your Song Structure

Listen to songs that you enjoy and analyse them. It will give you some ideas on how to structure your piece. Also, listen to different themes and see how they are structured.

Pay attention on:

  • The Melody
  • The chord progression
  • The lyrics
  • The arrangement

Do not use somebody else’s idea directly. You will be accused of plagiarism. However, you can use the chord progression, a segment of the melody or arrangement techniques.

3. Understand The Basics of Music Theory

Acquiring basic skills in music theory will make your songwriting process easier. Additionally, it will improve the quality of your material. Although music theory might seem difficult to a beginner, some concepts are not that complicated. You only need to understand the simple basics to improve your songwriting skills. Some of the skills that you would want to learn are:

  1. Scales: Major and minor scales, keys
  2. Chord Progressions: Common chord progressions
  3. Rhythm: Time signatures, Off beat rhythms etc.
  4. Intervals: Consonant intervals, inversions and dissonant intervals

You can learn the basics of music in our school. Our practise-based training will be easy to understand since it will be of practice.

4. Try Different Songwriting Approaches

When starting, it’s good to try different writing styles and see which method works for you. Here are some of the approaches you can try

  • Write a brief or a general concept.
  • Write the song before the title or title before the song
  • Try using a different musical instrument than the usual one

When trying these methods, you may get the style that works for you.

5. Keep it Simple

Simplicity is essential when writing a song. The most successful pieces are often straightforward. Write songs that do not have complicated chord progressions. Furthermore, the lyrics should relate easily with the listeners.

6. Write From Personal Experience

Lyrics written from personal life experiences are more genuine and easy to write. Nevertheless, it is very to easy to write your own story. Once you see your lyrical content improve, you can start writing other peoples’ stories.

7. Test Your Songwriting skills

Once you have finished, sing your song to a live audience. Seek opinions from your friends and see where you can improve. Through these opinions, you will be able to identify your weak areas. Also, you will know which part of the lyrics needs improvement and which chords need adjusting.

Remember to record your songs. Today’s technology has made it easier to record music using the right software and the best equipment. You can also go to a studio and record your piece. Publish your song to the audience or potential fans. People in the music industry might listen to your song and discover your potential.


If you want to develop your skills in songwriting, join Kamata Music School, get professional skills and be the best version of yourself. 


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Top Dj Services In Kenya

The Future Of The Entertainment Industry In Kenya

The Future Of The Entertainment Industry In Kenya

The future of entertainment Industry in Kenya

The entertainment industry in Kenya is set to improve in the next five years. Kenyan entertainment, media, and advertising companies will enjoy a boost in income as people start to trade their television sets for streaming services. According to a report by PWC, the Kenyan entertainment industry can expect an upswing in revenue as consumers spend more on entertainment.

Recent reports suggest that the Kenyan Entertainment Industry is on steady growth. Furthermore, it is forecasted to be worth 900 million USD by 2025. This means that the Kenyan entertainment industry will overtake Nigeria. That is to say, Kenya will become the second-largest country in Africa in entertainment after South Africa.

The Outlook Of The Entertainment Industry in Kenya

Kenya saw advertising revenue fall by 28% as outdoor advertising fell sharply as companies cut spending during the Covid-19 pandemic. In 2020, the pandemic triggered the drop in overall E&M revenue in the history of this research. And it accelerated changes in consumer behaviour to drive digital disruption and industry inflexion points over several years. In 2021, these inflexion points morphed and merged into power shifts reshaping the industry. According to PwC

Also, the report shows a shift from traditional media towards digital-based ones. Streaming movies, digital advertising, games and podcasts are other factors for this change. Due to this shift, we see individual influencers competing against established companies for advertising revenues.

Social media advertising has grown to become a source of marketing. Micro influencer growth enables advertisers to target niche markets and reach a broader audience. Print ads’ high cost and limited availability have encouraged the adoption of digital and social media channels and their increasingly modern targeting capabilities. Kenya will be a key revenue driver for the media industry in Africa due to high internet and smartphone penetration. Consumer spending on E&M fell by 5.5% in 2020. However, PwC estimates a 3.9% growth in the entertainment industry by 2025.

Internet Advertising

Internet marketing and spending rose through Sh3 trillion in 2020 to attain Sh3.four trillion, a 9% increase. Although slower than the 16% according to the report recorded in 2019, this nevertheless represents a stunning increase in an always-growing base. The pandemic had a personal effect on this sector.

With internet marketing set to rise by 7.7% in 2025, traditional marketing and sales are also predicted to increase from KES 6 trillion in 2020 to KES 8 trillion in 2025. It is essential to mention that this past year has been a watershed moment in international media regulations with the emergence of more competitive pushback towards the massive virtual systems on many different fronts.

During the pandemic, strength shifted to streaming. Companies like Netflix, Google, Facebook and Amazon reaped big because people spent more time online.

There you have it! Join Kamata Entertainment School and know more about the entertainment business and how  to succeed in the industry.


Scriptwriting Tips: Basic Tips Screen Writing 

Tips for Screenwriters: Basic Tips Screen Writing



Scriptwriting is quite different from writing a short story or novel. Scriptwriters don’t have the opportunity to start with a slow introduction; the initial minutes of the script must be gripping. Below are some tips and tricks that will assist you in writing a gripping story.

While many believe that big-name actors are all they need to make a movie, television show, or play work, they are wrong. A script must be captivating and well-written to be successful, no matter how expensive the cast may be. To make your story the Best Picture of next year, it is essential to understand how to tell a story and the steps needed in the writing process. Implementing these ideas can take your script from the desk to the silver screen in no time!

How to Write a Script

  • Craft your logline.

A one-sentence summary or description of a movie is an integral part of a screenplay. It captures the script’s central elements: the main character, setup, plot points, conflict, and antagonist. The aim is to write a captivating synopsis to draw the reader in, making them more eager to read the entire script.

  • Create an outline

To create a roadmap for the film story, begin by writing down the main events in sequence. Create a system either on one or two pages or using index cards posted on a wall. Use one sentence per event. Use your dramatic question to shape the plot. Create a beat sheet with descriptions.

  • Build A Treatment

Put together a treatment. This should be a more extensive outline with a story-like structure. Treatment is the best way to start if you want to draw attention to your script. It’s also an effective way to check if the story will turn out how you envision it. Your treatment should reflect your vision, so create a detailed world and characters.

  • Write a Screenplay

Writing a successful screenplay takes a great deal of hard work and dedication. Always remember all the rules you’ve heard before. Write in the present tense. Additionally, be sure to adhere to proper formatting. Avoid too much editing while you are writing. Furthermore, let your ideas and movie concepts flow, before structuring them once everything is on the page.

  • Format the Screenplay

Proper screenplay formatting is essential. Thankfully, there are lots of resources to help you with this task. Script templates and screenplay-writing software will help you.

  • Edit Your Screenplay

Rewriting scripts is an excellent way to turn your draft into a professional screenplay before filming begins. It’s a great way to get industry experts’ feedback on revisions and edits. Rewrite your script to make sure everything goes just right.

Learn More About Script Writing

For you to become the best at scriptwriting, you need proper training. Join the Film and TV Production School. Where you will get one-on-one lessons and become a better version of yourself.

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Film Production Possible Career Paths

Film Production Possible Career Paths

Film Production

Setting up for shooting

Many passionate movie lovers dream of having a career in film production but rarely pursue it. They tell themselves it’s too competitive, not marketable, or that only a certain few can find stable work. These anxieties are all too familiar, causing thousands of potentially remarkable filmmakers to give up before they begin.

Contrary to popular belief, a film career is practical. A standard production requires the labour of numerous trained professionals specialising in sound, visual, and production tasks, all of which are integral to giving an idea form.

If you want to find secure work in a job you love, read more about the many available options.

Possible Career Paths

  • Film Production training helps you become a Camera Operator

A camera operator with an eye for visuals can join a big-budget production with many crew members. Camera assistants, trainees, and the director create a unique style for the film. Carefully making each shot.

To be successful, camera operators must have a range of skills, with experienced film production school grads being the best fit. They get hands-on practice through their portfolio projects, including documentaries, music videos, and commercials.

  • Film Production Training can make you an Editor.

To be successful in this career, you need a lot of knowledge about the technicalities and skills for details. You should make sure each scene comes together to form a cohesive story.

To have a successful career, it is essential to have the right tools and appropriate training. Kamata Entertainment School provides this by offering smaller classes with hands-on experience that will give you the skills you need.

Film Production

Video Editors Putting Different Scenes Together

  • Script Reading

More interested in becoming an actor or actress? There are lots of jobs out there. For example, you can use your skills to read scripts for productions. One of the first steps in planning a movie is choosing a script. This is done by analysing whether it would be suited for movie production. Film companies and funding bodies often employ breakdown processes for this purpose.

  • Script Advisor

Script supervisors work with the director to capture the best range of shots that accurately represent the script. They also keep track of attempts to make sure everything is running smoothly.
Film grads bring a wealth of expertise to the table, from pre-production to post, making them the best fit for screenplay supervisor positions.

There you have it! If you are interested in Film and TV Production, visit our page to find out more.

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Music Distribution

How does Music Distribution work?

How Does Music Distribution Work?

What Is Music Distribution?

Music distribution is the process of getting music from the artist to the public. The music can be put on digital or physical media.

Apart from the artist, there are other players involved in creating the music. Producers, promoters, engineers and others play a part in making the music available to consumers.

How Music Distribution Works

Distribution works a lot with contracts between the artist and the distributor. Music distribution companies sign deals with a record label or an individual artist. The deal gives rights to sell the artist’s or record label’s products.

Most distributors expect an artist/ label to offer them finished products. Some distributors offer marketing and distribution deals (M&D). In this type of agreement, the distributor pays for the cost of the product. They will recover their expenditure from early sales of the product.

In the 20th century, music distribution was a mess because of the illegal downloading of music. Artists would not earn from their products because of piracy. However, easy internet access has helped in correcting illegal downloading.

Digital streaming platforms like Spotify, Mdundo and Itunes have changed music distribution. Artists can now share their music without any middlemen involved. With the continuous growth, of digital use, digital music distribution is essential for artists.

How Does Digital Music Distribution Work?

Before easy access to the internet, distribution was an agreement between the distributors and artists. Digital distribution means, intermediaries have no involvement in the distribution of music by the artist. It has freed the artist from using physical copies like CDs and cassettes.

Why Do People Start Music Distribution?

  • Distributing to Digital Service Providers

There are many digital platforms a fan base can access music. For example:

  • Spotify
  • Youtube Music
  • Boomplay
  • Soundcloud
  • Mdundo

Most digital service providers (DSPs) do not allow uploads directly from the artist. Why? DSPs check on quality control and payout distribution called royalties.

Royalties are the payments an artist gets when his or her music is downloaded or played.

Music streaming platforms have many artists. As a result, paying them becomes a lot of work. For example, Spotify alone has an estimated 11 million artists. Additionally, 1.8 million songs are uploaded on the platform annually. The DSP reports all earnings 3o days or more each month. They then send the payments out about 30 days after saying the earnings. Without a distributor, this can be a lot of administrative work.

In Kenya, organisations like MCSK ( Music Copyright Society Of Kenya) collect royalties on its members’ behalf.

The role of a distributor is to get the music from the artist and get it into the streaming platforms. A distributor will then aggregate the payments made and give the money to the artist. If an artist is signed to a record label, the record label will do the distribution for them. If the record label does not have a direct licence to a DSP, the label distributor will do the licencing and distribution to the platforms.

Music Distribition

  • Marketing

Just like any other business, the music industry needs marketing. Artists should think of their releases as products. Good music sells faster. The distributor helps the artist market their product through promotions and other different forms.

Many DSPs use algorithms that match artists with users. There is no way a DSP can deal with the artist directly. This is because of the high number of artists they have. In most cases, the distributor contacts the DSP to push the artists’ products.

How To Start Your Own Music Distribution Company

1. Establish why you want to start

The music industry in Kenya is very competitive. It will take a lot of work and patience before you make a profit. Before starting your own music distribution company, understand what it takes to be one. Additionally, you need to start getting involved in the local music industry and study how it works.

2. Study the industry

To become successful in distributing music, it is important to understand how the industry works, not only with your own business but with other companies as well. Understanding what’s happening in the music industry is vital if you want to be successful in any respect of your life and business. Also, take an entertainment business course to broaden your knowledge of the entertainment industry.

  3. Understand your roles 

If you want to start a music distribution company, there are many duties that you can expect from your job. Some of these include:

  • Negotiating contracts for distribution, licencing, publishing, and recording
  • Distributing recordings to DSPs
  • Managing payments to your clients and artists
  • Running marketing campaigns

  4. Do market research

If a market does not exist, there is no need for your product. This means that you are wasting resources and need to find a way to change your business plan. Market research will help you learn more about who requires your product and what they are willing to pay for it.

  5. Identify potential business threats

Business plans will help you identify possible threats to your business. You can protect yourself against these threats by knowing what mistakes potential investors make in their businesses. Knowing how other companies have failed and where they went wrong, you can avoid them being the same way.

  6. Networking

Once you are a business entity, you have a website, and you have some music to distribute, you will need somewhere for it to go. And so begins the endless and often tricky task of networking with the stores and DSPs you want to host your music. This guide will show you how to get started!


Although the music industry has transformed drastically in the past few years, it’s still important for someone to step in and distribute music. Even musicians and record labels who can afford to self-distribute still need distributors. This is because not every artist wants to take on the task of distributing their work. For this reason, a distributor will often partner with labels to create an efficient distribution plan.

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Video production

Photography Tips For Beginners

Essential Photography Tips For Beginners

Photography tips

Photography Lessons

Photography has been on the rise recently. Everyone wants pictures of them or their products taken from individuals to companies. The rising use of social media and access to the internet has given people the need to use photos for marketing.

Just like any other profession, photography is also a well-paying job in the job market. Most people do not consider it a professional activity. However, as digital technology expands, more people consider photography a passion.

Some learnt photography through experimenting while some took photography classes. Whichever method is used,  gives one the basic foundation and understanding of photography.

What Are The Basic Tips Of Photography?

For one to be a professional photographer, one needs to learn the basics of photography. Here are some of the basic tips.

  • One photography tip is to have a Camera

Think of the best photos that you’ve ever seen or a photo that left you wowed. For the photos to be taken, a camera was used. As a beginner, you may not get a professional camera immediately. You may use a phone camera to take good photos. Furthermore, you may use the camera that you have to get started.

Photography tips

  • Learn the camera settings

There are many camera settings in the camera. It may take time to learn them as a beginner. You may need a lot of practice to get them correct. Additionally, practise how to adjust the lens properly. It helps you get good-looking images and admirable photos.

  • Pay attention to the light

If you’re taking a picture of an amazing sunset, a completely dark foreground could ruin the photo. That’s where having good lighting comes in handy. The balance between your subject and background is key to creating an impressive image.

photography tips

  • Another photography tip is, to take your time

For a beginner, it is easy to make a mistake when shooting. You need to check your camera settings and your positioning. The best way to tackle this is by slowing down whenever possible.

Don’t let people discourage you. In addition, always review your photos in the field. It will make you understand where you went wrong. You will also learn which are you need to improve on.

  • Always Move

One of the best ways to keep your photos interesting and unpredictable is to keep them moving while you are taking them. That is to say, don’t stay in one place. Instead, walk around, climb on things, and move your feet, or camera as much as possible. Don’t let yourself get bored with taking the same shots repeatedly. Instead, keep moving with the light and try new ideas like never before!

  • Know when to use a tripod

When should one use a tripod stand? When your subject is stationary. Architectural and landscape photographers use tripod stands. It makes the camera more stable when capturing still images. If you are an event photographer, do not use a stand. It will slow you down.

Photography tips

  • Learn basic photo editing skills

Photo editing skills come in handy to make those breathtaking photos. Proper photo editing skills, gives you an advantage over other photographers. It will also make your photos easy to send since some photos may be too large to send.


Those are some of the basic tips to get you started. The most important thing is to always practice.  Furthermore, invest in advancing your photography skills. Photography is one of the growing professions in Kenya and all over the world. Have fun and become the photographer everyone wants to work with.


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video editing

Graphic Design Career In Kenya

What Can You Do With A Graphic Design Certificate in Kenya

We all have different career paths that we want to take. Graphic design is among the marketable courses that are often overlooked. We are currently living in digital times. As a result, companies are shifting to doing things digitally. Due to this shift, graphic design has become a skill needed in the job market.

For you to enter the market quickly, you must acquire graphic design skills. With certification, you will be at an advantage compared to this with no certificate.

What is Graphic Design?

Graphic design is the skill of combining text and pictures in advertisements. You can also use it in magazines, or books to communicate.

Types of Graphic Design

  1. Marketing and Advertising

Great marketing is engaging people based on their needs and wants. People find visual content more engaging. As a result, companies use graphic designers to create content that will promote their products.

Graphic designGraphic Design


Example of Marketing and Advertising graphic design

  •  Posters
  • Magazines
  • Menus
  • Vehicle wraps
  • Images for blogs and websites
  •  Visual Identity

A brand is a relationship between a business or organisation and its audience. A brand is the emotional connection people have with the company. This makes them want to do business with you, recommend you to others, and return again and again.

Colour, shape and design are the visual elements of a brand identity. It acts as the face of a brand to communicate those intangible qualities through images, shapes, and colour.

Graphic design




Graphic design




  • Publication Graphic Design

Graphic designers range from large, publicly traded corporations to small independent agencies and individuals. Their primary focus is on the design of print materials (including advertising, magazines and books), Web content, and user interfaces.

Graphic design


  • Motion Graphic Design

Motion graphics are simply graphics in motion. It can include videos, animations, audio and other effects used in online media. Examples include animated logos, promotional videos, trailers, tutorial videos, etc.

Graphic design


There are many more types of graphic designers. Graphic artists are creative people who use any combination of media and techniques to create their work. They collaborate with writers, editors, marketers and art directors across all types of design.

Taking a graphic design course will expose you to the job market. Additionally, with continuous digital growth, graphic design also continues to grow. Having graphic design skills gives you an upper hand in the job market.

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Best Public Address Services

Sound Engineering Career In Kenya

Sound Engineering Career In Kenya

Sound engineering

Sound engineering

Sound engineering plays a critical role in the entertainment industry. Think of a concert that left you overwhelmed, a film that has an impactful background, or maybe an event that gave you goosebumps. You may also think of a song that has a quality sound.

Sound is an important aspect of our lives and the entertainment industry, yet it’s often unnoticed. The sound makes films, songs, and events a hit. Quality sound is important for artists and events. That is to say, without sound, there is no entertainment.

What is Sound Engineering?

Sound engineering is the process of creating and manipulating sound. This process uses a variety of mechanical equipment and digital devices. The person doing all of these is called a Sound Engineer.

Sound engineers work on live events. In the live event context, the sound engineers are responsible for doing sound set-up. Furthermore, they do mic checks, combining signals from different instruments and microphones, making a mix for the audience and performers to listen to.

Working as a sound engineer is not only for events and recording studios. You can also work in areas like

  • The sound effects and soundtrack of a film are created in different film production stages. Movie theatres use sound designers to create audio tracks for their films.
  •  Broadcasting departments use audio engineers to create the sound for television programmes.
  • Colleges and universities teach students about audio engineering so that they can become teachers themselves who provide quality audio services to the public.
  • Live theatre companies use live sound managers to ensure that all audio equipment is running correctly throughout each performance.

Responsibilities of a Sound Engineer.

You might use software programme tools, techniques, tools, and equipment to complete your work as a sound engineer. A  sound engineer might perform some of the following tasks:

  1. Communicate with the performers, director or producer to understand their artistic vision and contribute your own creative ideas
  2. Design, set up and test audio equipment.
  3. Conduct individual recordings of each instrument and vocal in a studio aspect.
  4. Do sound checks in front of an audience and the stage monitor  for the performers during the performance in live sound
  5. Use a mixing console during the performance to create a live mix.
  6. After the performance or studio session, dismantle all audio equipment and report any faults.

Sound engineering

Skills That You Need For Sound Engineering

  • Communication Skills

Sound engineers are responsible for making sure that the communication between all parties involved in a production is open, positive and constructive. It includes maintaining open lines of communication with performing artists, audio techs, stage managers, directors and producers.

  • Active Listening

The sound engineer must read the room. They can watch their audience and understand whether the sound is audible. By actively listening to colleagues and understanding their points of view, the sound engineer can hear and fix any errors.

  • Problem Solving

Every live show will encounter problems. The electricity on the stage might be off, an amp might not be working properly, or a sound technician might have to make a quick adjustment. Sound engineers must identify the problem and work quickly to solve it, even with the most complex issues.

  • Flexibility

Sound engineers must be flexible and open to change as the situation changes. Having an open mind, being receptive to change, and being able to adapt quickly are ways for the sound engineer to be flexible during a live show.

  • Teamwork

Teamwork is the key to success. Sound engineers are responsible for leading the team to a successful live show from start to finish. Part of this job involves delegating tasks to others on the team, so everyone can work together and get more done in the process.

  • Organisation

Live shows can get disorganised, and a sound engineer is responsible for keeping things running smoothly. The sound engineer must keep a schedule with deadlines, declutter regularly, and keep only what is needed for the live show. Everything should be in its proper place …

Career Aspect Of Sound Engineering

A sound engineer’s career path is rarely linear, but you’ll likely start as a runner or technical assistant, work your way up to the level of an engineer, and specialise in either live or recorded sound. From there, you could move on to a senior engineer position, setting up your own studio or working for someone else. Some sound engineers end up becoming studio managers, too.

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video coverage

How To Succeed in the Film Industry

How to Succeed in the Film Industry

Film Industry

Filming in progress

The Kenyan film industry has improved in recent times. It is a significant industry where anyone with a passion can succeed.

According to a survey done by the Kenya Film Commission, the industry generates 12 billion in revenues annually. Additionally, it indicates that it could go higher in the coming years.  We can clearly see that this is a sector of success.

We have recently seen Kenyan films on movie streaming platforms. Netflix has acquired some of the movies done by Kenyans. One of the films that has taken the world by storm is called Country Queen. The series talks about the lives of ordinary Kenyans fighting against land-grabbing and corporate power. Other films produced in Kenya include 40 sticks, Just In Time, Nairobi Half-Life, Rafiki, Crime and Justice and more.

You can also succeed in this industry like some of the producers and actors. Since it’s a lucrative industry with so much potential to grow. Here are some of the things you need to succeed in this sector.

  • Passion and Skills

Like every other industry, skills are necessary for you to succeed. You need to have film production knowledge and its requirements. Additionally, passion and dedication can be of an advantage to you. You will need to have, good communication skills, script writing and reading skills. These skills can be acquired in the best entertainment schools.

  • Teamwork

In order to get the best film, whether short or long, a good team is critical. A cameraman, a director, actors, and actresses are some of the people you will need. A team that works together can produce an exceptional film. You will also need video editors who will make your film a masterpiece.

Film Industry


  • Proper equipment

Good cameras, microphones, lighting, computers, and software are some of the equipment you need.  They need not to be expensive at the beginning of your career. If you are an upcoming producer, you may need to invest in proper equipment.

You may also need proper handling of the equipment. The cameras and the other materials are your tools. Proper handling is very necessary to avoid unnecessary costs for repairs or buying another broken item.

  • Meet Other Film Makers In the Film Industry

The film industry is also a hub for connections. Meeting other filmmakers can help you learn more about the industry. You may need to attend film festivals and screening events. Joining a film could help launch your career.

  • Make Something

Try to make your own film, however short. Get people to see it and comment on it. This will help you learn a lot. Furthermore, it will make you improve your skills and style.


Those were some of the tips you need to succeed in the film industry. If you want to start your career in filming, join us and we will give you what you need to kickstart your filming journey.

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